2024 UWB Local Banner

Campaign Toolkit

Employee Campaign Manager (ECM) Toolkit

Congratulations! You have been chosen to represent your organization in this year's United Way Community Campaign. Being an Employee Campaign Manager (ECM) is all about motivating, educating, and inspiring your co-workers to give back to their community.
Your number one responsibility is to ensure that all your co-workers are given a non-coercive, educational opportunity to participate in United Way’s Community Campaign. You will share the needs in our community and educate your co-workers about how they can make a difference right here at home!
Employee Campaign Manager (ECM) Guide 2024
United Way Brochure 2024
Campaign Report (Fly Sheet)

Pledge Cards

Workplace Pledge Card
Leadership Pledge Card

Success Stories
Success Story Tylan
Success Story Lynn
Success Story Josey
Success Story Alby
Success Story Rose and Cathy

Goal Poster
Thank you Poster

Campaign Ideas
Virtual Campaign Ideas
Smartie Making Choices Game
Virtual Bingo Call Sheet Use this link for virtual: https://mfbc.us/m/um549aw

Bingo Cards to Print (30) with Call Sheet

Campaign Info to Share
Your Dollars at Work
Your Dollars at Work Leadership
Top 75 Campaigns
Community Needs ALICE Report
Community IMPACT Sheet


2024 United Way Campaign Video    (Click here for a direct link.) 

United Way Top 10 Reasons to Give    (Click here for a direct link.) 


2023 United Way Campaign Video    (Click here for a direct link.) 

Phillip and PJ's Story    (Click here for a direct link.) 

The HUB    (Click here for a direct link.) 


Hernández and Awilda    (Click here for a direct link.) 


2021 Campaign Video          (Click here for a direct link)

2021 Campaign Video with US Coast Guard          (Click here for a direct link) 

The Many Faces Served by United Way.         (Click here for a direct link)

Virtual Agency Tour - Aging Matters      (Click here for a direct link)

COVID-19 Response

2023 United Way Campaign Message Strategies for Workplace Campaigns

To better help you plan and execute the most effective fundraising campaign for your organization, we have developed a message strategy to help educate your co-workers about our local United Way.

Here are our five steps to a great campaign.

1. CEO Endorsement Message
2. Informative Touches One, Two-A and Two-B 
3. The ‘ASK’
4. Follow up Touches, One, Two and Three
5. Thank you

1. CEO Endorsement Message

This message should be sent one to three weeks before your official launch of your United Way campaign. It should show support of the campaign, announce the Employee Campaign Manager and create a sense of corporate responsibility.

Sample Message:
I’m excited to announce that our 2023 United Way campaign will be kicking off shortly. This year’s effort is being led by (Insert ECM name and his or her great team).

(Insert Organization Name) has a tradition of supporting our community and by supporting United Way, we help people in Brevard, who truly need assistance. No other single organization meets the broad range of needs address by United Way. Together, with their 44 local partner agencies, they create lasting change by mobilizing resources which fosters collaboration between nonprofits, local government and local businesses to address the critical needs of individuals and families.

I believe giving is a personal decision and choosing to give and/or how much is up to you. By giving, YOU have the opportunity to Change Lives and Strengthen our Community!

Thank you,
CEO Name

2. Informative Touch Messages United Way can send this email or you may send it from your organization’s email system.

These messages should be sent prior to the ‘Ask’ request. They are educational and inspirational messages intended to help increase understanding of United Way’s work in the community. Plus, informed employees are among the best contributors.


Touch One Subject Line: An $18,048,036 IMPACT in 2022!

Every dollar donated brings an average of THREE matching dollars into our community. Your gift ensures our neighbors have access to basic needs, health services, education and financial stability support so they have a path to independence and success.

Click here to see how your donation is making an impact.


Touch Two Subject Line: Are YOU Ready for Kickoff?

Our United Way of Brevard Kickoff is right around the corner and we have set an internal goal of ($)!

(Share here key elements of your campaign plan – timeline, incentives or prizes. While most people will give simply out of the goodness of their hearts, sometimes a little incentive makes it more fun. Insert your incentives here – Flee at Three pass, extra day of vacation, gift cards, etc.)

Plus, to encourage people to give a little more (or for the first time, even), our boss (or insert name) has agreed to (Insert something here) if we meet our goal.

Some language other CEO’s have been using: When considering what you are able to give, think about the vacation you took, the last pay raise you received or even that last Starbucks you purchased. Consider giving a little bit more to help those in need. If you already contribute, we thank you. If not, please consider giving so you can help change someone’s tomorrow.

Version A:  

Want to see how your donation makes an impact here in Brevard?
Click here to see your donations at work.Your Dollars at Work 2023

Version B:

Click here to see your leadership level donation at work. Your Dollars at Work Leadership 2023


3. The ‘Ask’

Hopefully this message will follow your in-person or virtual meeting in support of your workplace campaign. This message is to reinforce the ‘ask’ and encourage participation. 


Please consider making a pledge to help families and individuals facings challenges here in Brevard. Your gift will be invested in more than 44 partner agencies and internal programs to ensure everyone in our community has the chance to a positive path forward in life. With access to a wide variety of basic needs, health services, education, and financial stability supports, they receive the help they need to ensure a better life.

Last year, over 75 community volunteers spent over 1,000 hours to determine how to meet the broad array of needs of the 44 partner agencies and United Way’s Safety Net Services and Targeted Care programs. This is done through our annual certification allocation process, which was designed to ensure that donor dollars are being put to the best possible use in Brevard. Programs that comply with these standards have provided documentation that they meet standards in governance, operations and support to the community.

Your United Way is about neighbors helping neighbors and I invite you to please give today and change someone’s tomorrow.

4. Follow Up Messages

These message should be sent during your campaign as your coworkers are making their decisions to give.

Reminder 1 - Subject Line: Change Lives and Strengthen Communities!
Our campaign is off to a great start. I know you are busy, but please take a moment to consider participating in the 2023 United Way campaign.

When you make a donation, United Way invests 90 cents of every dollar in nonprofit programs that form a circle of support for people in need. When our neighbors have access to basic needs, education and financial supports, they can start down a path to independence and success.
Your support really does make a difference. Please make your gift today.

Reminder 2 (Optional for shorter campaigns) - Subject Line: We can all give today and change someone’s tomorrow!
Here in this community we call home, there is a family looking for a safe place to live. A student is working hard so she can graduate on time. A young adult is ready to get a head start on his future by securing a stable job.

You can help them succeed by making a pledge today. 90 cents of every dollar will go right back into supporting 60 programs and more than 44 local nonprofit. Every program is evaluated, so you can trust your dollars are funding those that are making the greatest impact.

Please take a moment to make your pledge . . . thanks for your consideration.

Reminder 3 Subject Line: There is still time to make a difference and change someone’s life.
It doesn’t take much . . . a gift of any size can make a difference. You can help people in need by making a contribution of any size to United Way of Brevard’s campaign.
When thousands of people like you give, your combined generosity funds more than 60 local non-profit programs. And by empowering these programs to help our neighbors, you’re making big things happen!
Our campaign is wrapping up, please consider a making a donation today.

5. Thank You United Way can send this email or you may send it from your organization’s email system

Subject Line: Thank you!

On behalf of the countless lives your kindness touches, I’d like to express my deepest gratitude for your incredibly generous donation.

Your kindness is a true testament to your commitment to making a positive impact, and it serves as a beacon of hope for those who are striving to build a better life for themselves and their loved ones. With your support, United Way is able to tackle critical issues such as education, health, financial stability, and more, ensuring that our community thrives as a whole.

I’m proud to announce that this year, XX percent of our employees gave, raising $XX,XXX. ORGANIZATION team has truly impacted our community this year!

Please take a moment to celebrate yourself and the people you work with. Thanks for caring!